Friday, February 10, 2006

Tenders - - - - - - - - - Procedure and documents

Tender Procedure

(1) Invitation of consultancy services

In this invitation you have to mention name of Project, name of client & a brief detail of project

(2) Interested consultant get TOR (term of conditions) from client. In this, client mention, type, place, requirements, cost etc

(3) Submission of bids from consultant. In this bid the consultant gives his complete profile. He also mention rough proposal of project. He also mentions his fee, which is in the form of %age of total cost. He has to show bank grantee. These bids are sealed

(4) Opening of bids:

Sealed bids are open on the specified date in the presence of the consultant or the representatives of the consultant.

(5) Awarding the project

Projected is normally awarded to that consultant which has the minimum fee

(6) Agreement b/w client & consultant

Terms & conditions are decided between client and consultant on the judicial paper.

(7) Work order:

Consultant is then given order to start work

(8) Final plan or proposal:

Client & consultant decide the final plan or proposal from no proposals

(9) Estimation & BOQ

First of all estimate & BOQ are prepared for the project

(10) Tender drawing:

Drawings are prepared including

(1) Architectural drawing

(2) Structural drawings

(3) Public health drawing

(4) Electrification drawing

Condition of contract:

(1) All definitions & terms are described i.e. Client, contractor, consultant, Engineer etc

(2) Engineer & Engineer representative responsibilities are described

(3) It is decide b/w client consultant for sub contract & assignment

(4) How many no drawing will be present in the field, in case of more drawing who will pay etc

(5) General obligation

(6) Performance bond

(7) Labor

(8) Law applicable on contract

Technical specifications:

In this detail & quality of every item is described. Tender documents include

(1) Specification

(2) BOQ

(3) Tender drawings

(4) Technical Specification


In the specification we mention the quality of every work e.g. brick work should be done by using 1:4 cement sand ration using 1st class bricks which are soak in water for at least 4 hour in water & for concreting aggregate should be durable, ratio must be maintained 1: 2: 4, fine aggregate should free from impurities, compaction should be done by vibrato’s & curing should be done for at least 10 days etc


In BOQ all the quantities are written and the contractors fill corresponding rates

Tender drawings

In the drawing different details of the project are shown

Technical specifications

Technical specifications are written for the technical support of the contractor


Consultant submit these documents to client for approval

Tender notice:

Tender notice is the invitation to contractor to submit there bids. Interested contractor ret the tender documents. Contractor then submit bids to consultant in the sealed form

Opening of bids;

Bids are open in the presence of all contractors or their representatives

Award of contract

Project is given to the contractor, which has the minimum cost

Agreement between client & contractor

An agreement is signed between client & contractor in which all terms & conditions are specified

Permission of work

After the agreement client give the permission to the contractor to start doing work

Tender Documents

(1) Tender notice

Tender notice contains the information about the work & its approximate cost. It also contains the location of the work & some requirements for that work. There is sum fee to buy tender documents, which are not refundable

(2) Form of agreement

Form of agreement is the written agreement forms containing terms & conditions about the work

(3) Tender form

Tender form contains the logical acceptance by the contractor

(4) General conditions of contracts

Terms & conditions are defined in this case. It tells that who is responsible for what is happening.(flood, strike etc). If these conditions are not acceptable then senior engineer, which is called arbitrator, who is the 3rd person, is used who listen the both parties.

(5) Special conditions of contract

These conditions varies from contract to contract

(6) Specifications

It covers all small & large jobs of work

(7) Tender drawings

Drawings of the project to estimate the actual quantity of each item

(8) Form of performance bond

The plenty for late work and cost work is described in it

(9) Form of mobilization advance

Initially, to cover the charges of moving the machinery & equipment, settlement of labor etc, some advance is given to the contractor

It can be up to 10 % of total cost. It is deducted from the contractors profit. Mobilization advance is given only when contractor gives a bank grantee

(10) BOQ

It tells the quantity of each material (item)

Technical Specification for Construction Works

Specifications describe the nature and class of work, material to be used and quality of workmanship. It also specifies the order in which the work will be executed and method of execution which should be adopted.
Drawing does not show the details of different items of work, the quantity of material & workmanship that is described in the specification.
Cost of work much depends on the specification, drawing and specification form is an important part of contract documents.

Sources for specification:
(1) Clind requirement
(2) Previous specification of similar contract
(3) Contract drawings
(4) ASTM & BS standards
(5) Code of practice of work
(6) Site investigation
(7) Climatic conditions

Specifications for concrete:
(1) Size of coarse aggregate >=3mm < 20mm
(2) Aggregate must be hard, strong & durable
(3) It must be crushed aggregate
(4) For coarse aggregate elongation (length & width) & flakiness (width & height) index test (value) must be within ASTM limit
(5) Reinforcement must be according to the ASTM standard (15)
(6) Minimum elongation for reinforcement must be 12%
(7) Formwork (shuttering) must also be specified
(8) You also specify that when formwork will be removed ( after 14 days)
(9) For columns you can remove formwork after 24 hours
(10) It must be specify some testing of concrete such as slump test, cube or cylinder test. Slump value is generally taken from70mm to 80mm
(11) Cost of reinforcement must be dealt separately

Specification for Brickwork:

(a) For bricks:
(1) When place the brick in the water tank it should not absorb water more than 15 % of its wt after 24 hours.
(2) Minimum compressive strength of bricks is 2000psi.
(3) Also specify the class of bricks i.e. 1st, 2nd or 3rd class.

(b) For mortar
(1) Cement and sand used in the mortar must be according to there specification.
(2) Ratio of cement & sand must be according to Bill Of Quantity (BOQ)
(3) Mortar must be used within 30 min after addition of water.

(c) For brick laying:
(1) Normally English bond will be used for brickwork until some other bond is specified.
(2) All the courses must be leveled.
(3) Frog should be place upward.
(4) Soaking of bricks is important; bricks should be placed in water tank for 4 hours before use.
(5) All joints must be filled with mortar.
(6) Thickness of joint is 2/8 to 3/8 inch. Joints b/w bricks & columns (RCC) must be secured by using steel ties.
(7) Relative height of two walls must not exceed 5 foot
(8) 4 courses of brick work must give height of one foot
(9) Inter locking of bricks must be there.
(10) Curing must be done for 7 to 10 days.

Specification for plaster:
(1) Removing the mortar from joints of brickwork.
(2) Clean surface of brick work
(3) Ratio must be according to BILL OF QUANTITY (BOQ)
(4) Thickness of plaster is from 1/2 to 3/4 inches.
(5) Surface should be watered before plaster
(6) Plaster shall be cured for 10 days

Specification for road works:

Specification for sub grade:
(1) Clean & grubbing of natural surface & demarcation of center line
(2) If material is taken from barrow points then borrow points must be check by engineer (residential engineer i.e. consultant)
(3) Spreading of material will be done with the help of grader & mixing will be done with Disk harrow (for breaking of lumps)
(4) Work should be done in section
(5) Size distribution should be mention i.e. Sieve #
(6) CBR (California bearing ratio) value is generally not less than 10
(7) Compaction will be done in layers. Thickness of one layer (loose material) shall not be more than 10 inches.
(8) Thickness of compacted layer must be specified “(6 inches)
(9) Every layer will be compacted up to 95% (Proctor value)
(10) The moisture content of soil shall not be more than +2 or -2% of OMC
(11) Sub grade surface should be leveled
(12) Mention the frequency & method of testing.
Specification for sub base:
(1) Soil distribution is mentioned

Sieve #



3 / 4













(2) Wear & tear losses for sub base shall not be more than 50%
(3) CBR value must be lesser than 25
(4) Spreading should be done by grader / pavers
(5) Compaction will be done in layers
(6) Thickness 0f layer will be specified
(7) Each layer will be compacted up to 100 % of dry density of Proctor
(8) M.C should not vary more than 2% of OMC
(9) Segregation will be avoided
(10) Starting from edge of road and moving along longitudinal direction ,we gradually move towards the center for leveling and grading
(11) Overlap is 1/3rd of roller width
Specification for base course:
(1) Size of aggregate must be within the specified limit
(2) Coarse aggregate shall have the %age of wear & tear not mote than 50%
(3) Course aggregate, when subjected to 5 cycles of NaSO4 solution shall not have loss more than 12% (Soundness test for durability)
(4) CBR value should not be less than 80%
(5) Compaction is generally done 100% of proctor or dry density
(6) M.C should not be greater than 2% of OMC
(7) Compaction should be done in layers of specified thickness
(8) Quantity will be measured by theoretical volume as shone in drawings
(9) Specify the Tolerance limits for leveled surface

Specification for Asphalt concrete mix:
(1) Coarse & fine aggregate must have size distribution which lie within the specification limit
Asphalt + Coarse + Fine
(2) Coarse & fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, durable & free from impurities
(3) The %age of wear & tear losses shall not be more 40 %
(4) Lose (coarse) when subjected to 5 cycles of NaSO4 solution should not be greater than 12 %
(5) The portion of aggregate retain on 3/8 inch shall not contain more than 15% by weight of flat & or elongated particles
(6) Penetration test value for asphalt should be within the specified limit
(7) Ductility of Asphalt should not be lesser than 100% (100cm). If it is less than 100% than cracks will produce in the cold weather
(8) Softening point of asphalt should be specified (Normally it melts at about 150c)
(9) Flash point (the temperature at which vapors of asphalt catch fire)of asphalt should not be greater than 240c
(10) Aggregate mix with asphalt spread on prime code according to specified ratio and at specified temperature.
(11) The mixture should be spread at the temperature not less than 140c

Principles of engineering economics

We define the foundation for engineering economy to be set of principles that provide comprehensive doctrine (detail) for developing the methodology of applying Engineering economy in C E projects

Principle # 1

Developing alternatives
The choice or decision of doing any project is among alternatives. The alternatives need to be identified & then defined for subsequent analysis. Developing & defining alternatives for detail evaluation is important. Engineers & managers should place a high priority on this responsibility. Creativity & innovation are essential for this process
e.g. For excavation the alternatives can be
(a) By Machine
(b) Man power
(C) Machine + man power

Principle # 2

Focus of difference:

Only the differences in expected future out come among the alternatives are relevant to their compression & should be consider in the decision. Therefore this principle recommends future course of action on the differences among the possible alternatives

Principle # 3

Use of a consistent point of view

The prospective outcome of alternatives economic & other should be consistently developed from the define view point. It depends upon the type of organization initiating any project. For public sector organization priority will be different from the private sector organization. For a public sector values & services for max people in community will be preferred while for same project private sector will consider the rate of return on the investment made on that project

Principle # 4

Use a common unit of measure:

Using a common unit of measurement to enumerate as many of the prospective outcomes as possible will make easier the analysis & comparison of the alternatives
e.g. A non economic term, services or values should be converted to economic or in monitory unit. Unit of measurement & final unit must be in the same currency or unit of measurement

Principle # 5

Consider all relevant criteria
Selection of preferred alternatives requires a use of criterion. The decision process should be consider both out comes enumerated in the monitory unit & those expressed in some other unit of measurement or made explicit in a descriptive manner
In engineering economic analysis the primary criterion relates to the long term financial interest of the owner e.g. Motor ways & rail ways have generally long lives

Principle # 6

Make uncertainty explicit:

Uncertainty is inherent in projecting or estimating the future outcomes of alternatives & should be considered in the analysis & comparison. The magnitude & impact of future outcomes in any course of action are uncertain even if the alternative involves no change from current operation e.g. Future cash receipts & expensive will not be what eventually occur. Thus dealing with uncertainty is an imp expect of E.E analysis

Principle # 7

Revisit the decision or improving the decision:

Improve decision making results from an adaptive process to the extent practicable. The initial project outcome of selected alternative should be subsequently compared with actual results achieved. Decision even through relatively successful will have results different from the initial estimate of consequences learning from & adapting based on our experience is essential. Wither in private or public sector organization as they are the indicator of a good organization. Organization discipline is needed to ensure implement decision are routinely post evaluated & the results are used to improve future alternatives & quality of decision making therefore post evaluation highlight weakness in the Engg. Economy studies being done in any organization.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Joints and veins

Fractures are one of the most common geologic structures and are present in all rock outcrops. They influence the strength of rocks, and they are important passageways for the flow of fluids ranging from igneous magmas to water to oil and gas and surface pollutants. As water passageways they are also important influences on rock weathering. Joints are natural fractures in rock across which there has been little or no shear displacement

The study of the geologic history of joints can be quite difficult because evidence for the origin and the relative timing of joint formation is commonly ambiguous. Because joints are planes of weakness in the rock, joints can be reactivated during later tectonic events. As a result, some of the features that we observe in association with joints in the field may be related to later events and not the time of formation of the fracture.

The analysis of joints involves four different types of observations:
(1) the distribution and geometry of the joints system,
(2) the surface features of the joints,
(3) the relative timing of the formation of different joints, and
(4) the geometric relationship of joints to other structures. However, before considering these observations and their significance, we will first consider some of the general nomenclature used to describe joints in rock.

Geometric characteristics and classification of joints.

1. Geometric data to obtain

In order to describe, classify, and analyze joints, we need to note several important geometric characteristics. These include:

a) Attitude (strike and dip)
b) Degree of preferred orientation
c) Scale and shape of joints
(1) Termination type
(a) Curving
(b) Branching
(c) Intersecting
(d) Segmentation (en echelon set)
(2) Shape
(a) Tabular most common in anisotropic rocks (e.g. seds.)
(b) Circular to elliptical most common in more isotropic rocks
(3) Extent (cm km) master joints
d) Regularity and density of spacing
(1) Average normal spacing between joints
(2) Average number of joints per distance normal to the joints
(3) May vary with rock type
e) Spatial pattern and distribution
f) Extent and cross cutting relationships
g) Nature of the fracture's surface, vein filling &/or rock alterations.

2. Some definitions
a) Fracture a surface along which material has lost cohesion.
b) Joints fractures in rock along which movement has been negligible or absent.
c) Faults fractures in rock along which there has been appreciable movement.
d) Fissures fractures whose walls have moved apart
e) Set a group of related joints
f) Joint system two or more sets of joints that intersect at fairly constant angles.
g) Conjugate system a system of joints or fractures consisting of two or more sets that appear to have formed simultaneously
h) Systematic joints joints that form sets or systems or are otherwise related in a geometric pattern characterized by roughly planar geometry, regular parallel orientations, and regular spacing (V&M Fig. 7.5).
i) Nonsystematic joints joints with appreciably curved surfaces that have an irregular distribution.
j) Joint zone quasi continuous fracture that is composed of a series of closely associated parallel fractures.
k) Dihedral angle the angle between two joints or joint sets
l) Crossing joints systematic joints of one set that consistently terminate against the joints of another set.
m) Localized fractures restricted to fairly narrow zones.

3. Experimental classification of joints

This classification is based on the orientation of joints relative to the three principal stresses responsible for their formation and the sense of motion across the joint.

a) Shear joints (S) form in a non principal plane, commonly at an angle of about 30 degrees to the greatest principal stress (sigma 1). Because they form in a non principal plane their formation involves a component of shear stress, although the shear joint may or may not display a shear offset.
b) Extension joints (E) form in the principal plane perpendicular to the least principal compressive stress (sigma 3>0) (i.e. in the sigma 1 sigma 2 plane). Their formation involves zero shear stress but a relative tensile stress.
c) Tension joints (T) form in the principal plane perpendicular to the greatest principal tensile stress (sigma 3<0). Their formation involves zero shear stress and absolute tensile stress. Tensile joints may not be distinguishable from extension joints in many cases, but the two are distinguished because rocks are an order of magnitude weaker in tension than in compression.
d) Mode of joint formation this is related to the experimental classification of joints in the sense that it depends on the relative displacement of material on opposite sides of the fracture: .

(1) Mode I extension mode
(2) Mode II shear mode with displacement normal to the edge of the fracture
(3) Mode III shear mode with displacement parallel to the edge of the fracture

4. Descriptive classification of joints
a) Classification by pattern
(1) radial
(2) ring
(3) en echelon (note relationship to stress state)
(4) sigmoidal
(5) columnal joints (associated with cooling igneous bodies)
b) Classification by geographic orientation (NSEW)
c) Classification by relationships to other structures
(1) longitudinal joints have their traces aligned parallel to regional structural trends
(2) cross or transverse joints transect regional structural trends at a high angle
(3) oblique or diagonal joints attitudes intermediate between longitudinal and cross joints
(4) bedding joints parallel to bedding
(5) strike joints parallel to the strike of the country rock
(6) dip joints strike parallel to the dip of the country rock
(7) sheet joints or exfoliation joints a set of joints that lies subparallel to the topographic surface
(8) Joints related to preexisting fabrics
(a) Joints parallel to preexisting planes of weakness
In many cases, joints tend to form parallel to planes of weakness, such as bedding, layering, foliation, or cleavage.
(b) normal joints joints that form perpendicular to preexisting planes of weakness
(c) cross joints joints that form normal to well developed linear fabric elements (e.g. mineral lineations or fold hinges)

(9) Relationships to folds, faults, igneous bodies

C. Surface features of joints and fractures
1. Plumose structure or hackle plume composed of grooves (called hackle).
2. Hackle fringe en echelon set of extension fractures
3. Rib marks cuspate or step planes that occur as smoothly curved ramps connecting adjacent parallel surfaces of the joint face, tend to be perpendicular to hackle lines.
4. Ripple marks (not in a sed. sense) like rib marks, but not perpendicular to hackle lines.
5. Slickenside lineations parallel sets of ridges and grooves or linear mineral fibers indicative of shear on the fracture surface.
6. Vein mineralization filling the fracture (qtz, calcite etc.)

D. The origin and tectonic interpretation of joints
1. The Problem – under what conditions in the brittle upper part of the crust are stress sufficient to fracture rock?
2. Our interpretations are complicated because:
a) Different joints in the same outcrop may have formed at different times and for different reasons.
b) Local variations in the stress field may cause joints that form at the same time to have different orientations at different locations.
c) Since joints are planes of weakness in the rock, they can be reactivated during later tectonic events. As a result, some of the features that we observe in association with joints in the field may be related to later events and not the time of formation of the fracture.
3. Geometric relationship of joints to other structures
a) Joints related to faults
(1) Joints associated with faulting are related to the same stress system as that responsible for the fault.
(2) Pinnate fractures (also called feather joints), occur in the vicinity of the fault but at an angle to it (V&M Fig. 7.17). The acute angle between the feather joints and the fault points in the direction of relative movement of the block on which it lies. They may form before or during the faulting process and have a relationship to the regional stress field that is the same as that for en echelon extension fractures.
(3) Conjugate shear fractures (T&M Fig. 3.16)
b) Joints related to folds (T&M Fig. 3.17 or V&M Fig. 7.6b)
(1) The orientation of the joints is described with respect to the orthogonal reference axes a, b, c .
(a) b // hingeline
(b) a normal to hingeline (b) // to folded surface (e.g. bed)
(c) c normal to the ab plane
(2) Commonly formed joint patterns:
(a) ac joints
(b) bc joints
(c) strike parallel joints
(d) cross-strike joints
(e) fanning joints
conjugate shear joints (hk0 joints)

(3) The joints are the result of the folding process and not necessarily the regional stresses that initiated folding.

c) Joints associated with the forceful emplacement of igneous plutons
Each of the following sets does not necessarily occur in the same setting.
(1) One set at a high angle to the contact (radial)
(2) One set parallel to the surface to topography (sheeting)
(3) One set of ring fractures

4. Joints related to uplift and unroofing
a) The joints are subvertical and form in response to subhorizontal stresses.
b) Based on the release of stresses that are stored in rocks buried at dept in the crust
c) Stresses at depth are a result of:
(1) Lithostatic pressure (gh)
(2) Thermal expansion due to the Earth’s geothermal gradient
d) Regional uplift leads to erosion and unroofing of the underlying rock.
e) As depth of burial decreases the stresses on the rock change due to: cooling, Poisson effect, and membrane effect
f) Cooling – as rocks cool, they contract. Although the contraction is easily accommodated in the vertical direction, rocks are constrained in the horizontal direction and cannot easily contract. As a result, horizontal tensile stress builds up in the rock.
g) Poisson effect – as part of their elastic behavior, rocks that are compressed in one direction will tend to extend in the directions normal to the direction of extension (and vice versa). As rocks are unroofed and compression is released vertically, the rocks will attempt to contract laterally, and horizontal tensile stress will build up.
h) Membrane effect – as rocks move from depth to the outer part of the crust, their radius of curvature decreases creating subhorizontal membrane stresses
5. Sheeting joints
a) Joints that are subhorizontal or parallel to topographic surfaces.
b) Typically form in massive igneous rocks (such as granite) that do not have bedding or other planar anisotropies.
c) Unlike unroofing joints, these joints form as a result of subviertical tensional stresses that are believed to be a result of residual stresses in the rock.
d) Residual stress can develop due to differing thermal properties of adjacent rocks resulting in differential expansion or contraction.
6. Hydraulic fracturing – occurs when pore pressures are high enough to exceed the tensile strength of the rocks
7. Release joints – related to tension produced during regional release and elastic relaxation of tectonic stress
8. Joints from regional warping – similar to those associated with folds.

Land subsidence

Land subsidence occurs when large amounts of ground water have been withdrawn from certain types of rocks, such as fine-grained sediments. The rock compacts because the water is partly responsible for holding the ground up. When the water is withdrawn, the rock falls in on itself. You may not notice land subsidence too much because it can occur over large areas rather than in a small spot, like a sinkhole. That doesn't mean that subsidence is not a big event -- states like California, Texas, and Florida have suffered damage to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars over the years.
This is a picture of the San Joaquin Valley southwest of Mendota in the agricultural area of California. Years and years of pumping ground water for irrigation has caused the land to drop. The top sign shows where the land surface was back in 1925! Compare that to where the man is standing (about 1977).

Ground-water pumping and land subsidence:
Compaction of soils in some aquifer systems can accompany excessive ground-water pumping and it is by far the single largest cause of subsidence. Excessive pumping of such aquifer systems has resulted in permanent subsidence and related ground failures. In some systems, when large amounts of water are pumped, the subsoil compacts, thus reducing in size and number the open pore spaces in the soil the previously held water. This can result in a permanent reduction in the total storage capacity of the aquifer system.

Causes of Land Subsidence
The basic cause of land subsidence is a loss of support below ground. In other words, sometimes when water is taken out of the soil, the soil collapses, compacts, and drops. This situation occurs throughout the United States, but has had more impact in California, Texas, and Arizona.
Land subsidence is most often caused by human activities, mainly from the removal of subsurface water. Here are some things that can cause land subsidence:
Loss of water in organic soils
Dissolving of subsurface limestone rock
First-time wetting of formerly dry, low-density soils
Natural compaction of soils
Underground mining
Withdrawal of ground water and petroleum

Engineering Properties of Rocks

Rock is a combination of different minerals. When different types of minerals are joined together, they form a rock.

Rocks are mainly of three types
1. Igneous Rocks
2. Sedimentary Rocks
3. Metamorphic Rocks

Engineering Properties of ROCKS:
Rocks have very much importance in engineering point of view. All civil engineering structures are built on rock so, engineering properties of rocks are very much important.
In the following paragraphs, engineering properties of different types of rocks are given.

Engineering Properties of IGNEOUS Rocks

The rocks formed by the molten rocks (Magma or lava) are called igneous rock.
It has two main types
• Intrusive Igneous Rocks
• Extrusive Igneous Rocks

Intrusive Rocks:
Important features of igneous rocks are following

Granular texture
Massive structure
Relatively homogeneous composition
Some times highly altered with weather

Massive igneous rocks such as batholiths may affect tunneling, mining slope stability. These rocks are also used as construction material. Tabular intrusive rocks such as dikes may create more construction problems than massive rocks because of the lack of homogeneous composition.

Extrusive Rocks:
Extrusive rocks are found in crystalline texture. The origin of these rocks are greatly influence their engineering properties. Main characteristics which influence the engineering works are followings.

Variable composition and texture.
Strength durability and permeability.
Strong unconfined compressive strength >200mpa.
Columnar Jointing.

Engineering Properties of SEDIMENTARY Rocks
The following are the important properties of sedimentary rocks in engineering point of view.
Compressive strength and deformability of sandstone is influenced by its porosity, the amount and type of cement, and matrix material, grain contact and composition. Siliceous cement is stronger than calcareous cemented sandstones. Pore water plays a significant role in the compressive strength and deformation characteristics of sandstone. It can reduce the unconfined compressive strength by 30 to 60%.Shale mineral content influences geotechnical properties; most important is the quartz-clay mineral ratio. The liquid limit of clay shale increases with increasing clay-mineral content.
Swelling properties of certain shale have proven detrimental to the integrity of engineering structures. Swelling occurs by the absorption of free water by clay minerals (montmorillonite) in the clay fraction of the shale. Highly fissured over consolidated shale have greater swelling tendencies than poorly fissured clayey shale, the fissures providing access for water.
Porosity of shale may range from slightly under 5% to just over 50%.Cemented shale are stronger and more durable than compacted shale. The elastic moduli of compaction shale range between 140 and 1400 Mpa: well cemented shale has elastic moduli in excess of 14000 Mpa.
Clay shale usually has permeability of the order 10-8 m/s to 10-12 m/s. However, sandy and silt shale and closely jointed cemented shale may have permeabilities as high as 1 x 10-6 m/s.
Grain size and Cementation influence engineering properties of carbonate sediments. Carbonate sediments can sustain high overburden pressures, and retain high porosities at considerable depth. Generally, the density of these rocks increases with age, and porosity is reduced.

Important sedimentary rocks:
Following are some important sedimentary rocks
Sandstones vary from thinly laminated micaceous types to very thickly bedded varieties. They may be cross-bedded and are invariably jointed. With the exception of shale sandstone, sandstone is not subject to rapid surface weathering. The dry density and porosity of sandstone are influenced by the amount of cement and/or matrix material occupying the pores. Usually the density of sandstone tends to increase with increasing depth below the surface.
Limestone When dolomitize, undergoes an increase in porosity of a few percent. Joints in limestone have generally been subjected to various degrees of dissolution. Sinkholes may develop where joints intersect. And these may lead to subterranean caverns. The dissolution leads to an increase in mass permeability. Enlargement of the pores enhances water circulation encouraging further solution. This s brings about an increase in stress within the remaining rock framework, which reduces the strength of the rock and leads to increasing stress corrosion.
Chalk The unconfined compressive strength of chalk ranges from moderately weak to moderately strong. The strength of chalk is reduced when saturated. The Upper Chalk from Kent is particularly deformable, typical values of Young’s modulus being 5 X 103 Mpa. It exhibits elastic-plastic deformation. Discontinuities govern the mass permeability of chalk. Chalk is also subject to dissolution along discontinuities.
Anhydrite is a strong rock, gypsum and potash are moderately strong, and rock salt is moderately weak. Evaporitic rocks exhibit various degrees of plastic deformation before failing. Creep may account for 20 to 60% of the strain at failure. Rock salt is most prone to creep.
Gypsum is more readily soluble than limestone. Sinkholes and caverns can develop in thick beds of gypsum. Massive anhydrite can be dissolved to produce seepage flow rates which increase in a rapidly accelerated manner. Heave is another problem associated with anhydrite. When anhydrite is hydrated to form gypsum, there is a volume increase of between 30 and 58%, which exerts pressures between 2 and 69 MPa.
Salt is even more soluble than gypsum, slumping, brecciaing and collapse structures occur in rocks overlying salt beds.

Engineering Properties of METAMORPHIC Rocks

Metamorphic rocks are divided into two categories Foliates and Non-foliates.
Foliates are composed of large amounts of micas and chlorites. These minerals have very distinct cleavage. Foliated metamorphic rocks will split along cleavage lines that are parallel to the minerals that make up the rock. Slate, as an example, will split into thin sheets.

Kalabagh Dam

The Kalabagh Dam Project site is located 210 km downstream of Tarbela Dam and 26 km upstream of Jinnah Barrage on the River Indus. The project envisages the construction of 260 ft high rock-fill dam. With its maximum retention level at 915 ft., the dam will create a reservoir with usable storage of 6.1 MAF. The project has two spillways on the right bank for disposal of floodwater. In the event of the highest probable flood, these spillways will have a discharge capacity of over 2 million cusecs. On the left bank is the powerhouse, which will be connected to twelve conduits, each 36 feet in diameter, with an ultimate generation capacity of 3,600 MW. It may be noted that the average flow at Kalabagh is 89 MAF, made up of 72 percent from the Indus, 25 percent from the Kabul and 3 percent from the Soan. The live storage of 6.1 MAF will be only 7% of the average annual flow.

Initial Design:
The initially proposed design of Kalabagh Dam consisted of an earth fill dam of about 265 feet height above the average riverbed and 4,150 feet in length. The crest of the embankment was to be at an elevation of 945 ft and top width 50 feet. The auxiliary dam, situated between the sluiceway and the natural high ground on the right bank, was to be 4,900 feet long with a maximum height of about 100 feet. The design features of the auxiliary dam were to be similar to those of the main dam. The proposal included the construction of a sluiceway - diversion structure located on the right bank and provided outlet and diversion facilities. Provisions were made for 33 diversion vents, each 20 feet wide and 25 feet high, fitted with radial gates with a capacity of discharging 1.33 million cusecs when the reservoir were full at a water level of 925 feet. Depending upon the sluicing operation; the useful life of Kalabagh reservoir is almost unlimited. The maximum capacity of the storage was planned to be 9.375 MAF with a live
Storage of 7.771 MAF. The capacity at lowest water level was 1.604 MAF and
1.037 MAF at the sill of sluices. The level of full reservoir was to submerge 2,189 miles2 of land. Auxiliary gravity spillways were to-be-provided to discharge 1.4 million cusecs through 56 gates at 907 ft at sill level of spillway. The power facilities of the dam were to be similar to Tarbela and Mangla, having 8 power generating units, each with a power waterway and penstock of 36 ft internal diameter.

Key Facts:

Dam Type:

Earth fill


260 ft. (above riverbed)


11,000 feet

Area at retention level

164 miles2

Catchments Area:

110,500 miles2

Gross Storage Capacity:

7.9 MAF

Live Storage Capacity:

6.1 MAF

Dead Storage:

1.8 MAF

Retention Level:

915 ft amsl

Main Spillway Capacity:

1.07 million cusecs

Design Flood Discharge:

1.92 million cusecs

Hydropower Generation:

3,600 MW

Maximum Discharge:

1.2 million cusecs (in 1929)

Total Volume of Dam:

34 million yds3


Beds of clay stone, silt stone and Sandstone

Refined Design:
The project was initially developed with somewhat differing design criteria. The refined criteria were introduced in the subsequent layout optimization studies to accommodate technical, social, economic and political issues.

The principal modifications were as follows:
  1. The retention level was 925 ft, which has been reduced by 10 ft to 915 ft.
  2. The probable maximum flood inflow was 3.5 million cusecs, which has been raised to 3.65 million cusecs.
  3. One gated overflow spillway and one orifice spillway of approximately equal capacity were to be provided.
  4. Four low-level outlets were initially provided, whereas, low-level outlets are provided now are also convertible conduits.
  5. Four tunnels have been added for powerhouse enhancement. The initial installed plant capacity was 2,400 MW comprised of 8 units of 300 MW each whereas now 12 units may be installed to provide 3,600 MW.
  6. The water retaining concrete structures, such as spillway headworks, would be designed and located so that they would not retain more than 160 ft head of water and would be founded on not less than 40 ft thick sandstone.
  7. The dam would be an embankment dam with slopes of 1 on 2.5 generally.
  8. No concrete structure should be built over the Kharjwan fault.
  9. The power station would be sited so that large rebound movements due to deep excavations would be avoided, if possible.
  10. The live storage capacity of the reservoir will now be 6.1 MAF with gross storage equal to 7.9 MAF, which were 7.77 and 9.37, respectively in the initial design.
  11. The Orifice Spillway with crest elevation 40 feet below the minimum level of 825 will enable sluicing of silt-laden water of early floods and also help in the flushing of the sediment deposited in the narrow gorge of the reservoir.

Future Plan:
The Kalabagh reservoir (according to the existing design) will extend 92 miles upstream reaching 10 miles upstream of the confluence of Kabul-Indus. The Kalabagh storage, at a 915 ft elevation, would pose no flood risk to Nowshera, which is located at an elevation of 938 ft. Neither would it effect the operation of Mardan SCARP, the outfall elevation of which is 958.7 ft. It is estimated that the project will submerge 35,000 acres of land. Of this, 27,500 acres will remain submerged and shall have to be acquired permanently. This area would cover 24,500 acres in the Punjab and 3,000 acres in the NWFP.

Project’s Benefits:
Kalabagh Dam would enable additional and improved irrigation supplies to all
Provinces, within a short period. All other identified sites for dams have a
Much longer gestation period, in the absence of initial studies. The initial installation will generate 11,400 million Kwh of energy annually. As a consequence of conjunctive operation, it will enable enhancement of 600 MW of peaking capability and additional 336 million Kwh of annual generation at Tarbela.

Kalabagh Dam will augment irrigation supplies, hydropower and alleviate floods. Additionally, indirect benefits like more industrial and food production, employment and agricultural boost will accrue. The project will have a useful economic life of over 50 years, without requiring any major replacement of machines and E&M equipment. The project will pay back its investment cost in a period of less than 10 years, as projected project annual benefits are US$ 628.18 Million and the project financial cost is US$ 6002 Million (inclusive of interest and escalations) at 1998 price level.

On the basis of the project benefits accruing over a period of 50 years and
Investment cost for its construction, the proposed project shows an Economic
Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) of about 12% with a B.C. Ratio of 1.05:1 at 12%
Discount rate

Based on a 1999 estimate, the total population to be relocated because of the project is 120,000. Of this, 78,000 persons will have to be relocated from the Punjab and 42,500 from NWFP. The project includes compensation for all Affectees for their properties, which include land, trees, buildings and other Structures at market price in compliance with the Land Acquisition Act. It is proposed to offer alternative land with minimum 12.5 acres to the land owning families. This would require about 74,000 acres of irrigated land. Another major incentive provided for the Affectees in the case of this dam, not previously offered for such a project in Pakistan, would be to fully compensate the farmers for the land on the reservoir periphery, above normal conservation level of 915 feet that could be flooded once in five years. This land would remain the property of the original owners for cultivation, with the undertaking that they would not claim any damages to crops for occasional flooding. The comprehensive resettlement package proposed for Kalabagh is both, more innovative and attractive than those adopted for Mangla and Tarbela Dams. The basic objective is that the Affectees should find themselves in a better socio-economic environment.
According to the plan, non-agriculturist Affectees would be trained in various trades in the Training Institutes to be established in the Model Villages. These measures will provide the Affectees with maximum job opportunities, where They would also be able to invest their compensation money, thus giving them an assured means of livelihood for future. By dropping the retention level from 925 ft to 915 ft, the area to be affected by the envisaged reservoir has been reduced from 159,700 acres to about 134,500 acres. This includes 74% un-cultivable land in both the provinces. Of this, 95,800 acres falls in the Punjab and remaining 38,700 acres in the NWFP. The project estimate provides for Rs. 5,731 million as the cost of land acquisition, resettlement and relocation works at June 1991 prices.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Chashma Hydropower Project

Chashma Hydropower Project is located on the right abutment of Chashma Barrage. The barrage is located on the Indus River near the village Chashma in Mianwali District, about 304 k.m. North West of Lahore. The project has been estimated at Rs17, 821.77 million including foreign exchange component of Rs. 9264.25 million.
The installed capacity of power Station is 184 MW comprising of 8 bulb type turbine units each of 23 MW capacities. The bulb turbines have been installed for the first time in Pakistan. The first unit was commissioned in January 2001, while final commissioning of all units was completed in July 2001.



Dera Ismail Khan District NWFP

Dam Length

Dam 66ft.

Canal Length

5931 km

Canal Capacity

2500 ft./s

Area to Benefit

262.300 Acres


655 Million US($)


Detail engineering design & tender documents being prepared




Maximum pond level

649 ft

Normal pond level

642 ft.

Minimum pond level

637 ft.

Power House

Turbine (bulb type)



Fuji, Japan

Output (each)

23 MW

Rotation Speed

85.7 RPM

Runner Dia

21 ft.


8829 cfs.

Head available

13 to 38 ft.

Rated Head

27.4 ft.



GEC, Alston France


26 MVA


11/132 KV.

Project Benefits


Fuji, Japan


23 MW



The expected total energy generated annually after commissioning of all eight units, is estimated at 1081 GWH. Based on the energy generated, the estimated yearly revenue is RS2259.29 million.

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